Our Formative Offer

Textbook and Uniform

Primary School

You can download the Textbook’s list and Teaching Material for Primary School of Petranova International Institute, s.y. 2020-2021:

1St grade A – CEDOLE s.y. 2022-23

2nd grade A – CEDOLE a.y. 2022-23

3rd grade A – CEDOLE s.y. 2022-23

4th grade – CEDOLE s.y. 2022-23

5th grade A – CEDOLE s.y. 2022-23


English textbooks e 2022-23

French Textobooks 2022-23

Teaching Material

Ist grade

2nd, 3th, 4th and 5th grade

Art Material

Secondary School

You can download the Textbook’s list and Teaching Material for Secondary School of Petranova International Institute, s.y. 2022-2023:

Textbooks 6th grade s.y. 2022-23

Textbooks 7th grade A s.y. 2022-23

Textbooks 7th grade B s.y. 2022-23

Textbooks 8th grade s.y.2022-23

Notebooks and Teaching Material 

Art and Image: Teaching Material

Technology: Teaching Material 


 School Uniforms can be ordered through three different channels:

– the e-commerce of the Lateral School : after having made the registration, to access it is necessary to insert the School Code (communicated in newsletter or to request in the Secretariat).

– writing an e-mail;

– with the online form downloadable from their web site