Our Formative Offer


STEM#4TeenGirls is a partnership program KA229 aimed to support women careers in science, technology, engineering and maths fields. The project will use eTwinning in combination with physical mobility to create richer exchanges between pupils and teachers from different countries (Italy, Czech Republic, Spain).

One of the stereotypes in European Education Systems is that women aren’t good in STEMs; which leads to a gender gap both within educational paths, both in the orientation choices about future and career.

The project aims: to break stereotypes about Girls in STEMs; to promote social inclusion (horizontal priority) by education and training activities that can really reduce disparities in women learning (Gender Gap in STEM fields).

CEFA schools in Rome, Základní škola in mateřská škola Parentes in Prague and Arangoya Educational Center in Bilbao planned two-years for mobility activities (time and virtual), aimed at motivating and enhancing Teen Girls education in technical-scientific fields, to go beyond STEM gender stereotypes and to promote gender equality. To achieve that, a virtuous circle of exchanges and experimentations of new practices are necessary from primary school. Good practices and planned activities take advantages from other European experiences about this very specific field. We will build on results of Erasmus projects in which other Countries cooperated or are cooperating to analyse causes of women’s lack in STEM careers (eg Girls Tech, Erasmus + KA2). From these results, our teachers’s experience and creativity develop specific activities plans for different target groups.

STEM#4TeenGirls activity plan aims to:
– Improve opportunities and participation of girls 11-16 years old in the STEM curriculum.
– Share good practices on STEMs and develop new ones, based on “Teaching strategies to engage females in STEM”; promoting the born of a specific STE(A)M curriculum in participating institutions school plan.
– Improve English learning and communicative competences in L2, by exchange experiences and transnational collaborative projects aimed to develop a final product. Particular emphasis will be given to structured Content and Language Integrated Learning paths (CLIL & STEAM).
– Strength the respect of each other, taking part in experiences in international contexts, aimed at acquiring social, civic and intercultural competences.

Over a period of 24 months, different groups of beneficiary students will be involved in several activities, in some of which students develops products:
– a promo video (Isn’t She STEM?)
– 2 STEM Project-Works, carried out by national and transnational groups (topics will be SPEED and LIGHT)

– a project-calendar
– Project logo
– InfoGraphic about the project.

Furthermore, all participants (students, families, teachers, staff) will be engaged in:
– eTwinning activities for presentation, orientation, communication, cooperation, evaluation and self- evaluation.