Using Tablets | Carrying out lessons | Presence at school
Using Tablets
Has an insurance been issued for tablets?
Yes, an insurance on tablets has been issued for any accidental damage.
Are there filters in the school’s WIFI net?
Yes, the School’s Wi-Fi net is already protected by the warranty filters issued by the 4Edu portal.
May I still use my paper books?
Yes, it is compulsory when working at home.
When should I charge my tablet?
Your personal tablet will remain at school and will be placed in the appropriate charge boxes.
In case my teacher asks me to watch a video or to listen to an audio, may I use earphones?
Yes, it is advisable to ring personal earphones to school.
May I install Apps not pertaining to my school work?
This is not possible; the system itself and its warranty filters will avoid installing app non pertaining to school topics.
What should I do in case I have a problem with my tablet?
You must write an email to the Cefa School Service assistance
Will there bi an overcharge on the school’s Wi-Fi system?
No, the Cefa school’s pre-existing Wi-Fi net will be used, with certified appliances for school use.
Carrying out lessons
Is the complete lesson recorded?
It will be possible to shoot the entire lesson, according to the class’ needs, but only the explanation will be recorded.
Will my child be recorded?
No, the camera will focus only on the teacher and the boards.
When will it be possible to review the lessons?
Beginning from the afternoon, at home, the next day at school and every time I wish to review something that is particularly difficult or complicated. At the same time, a teacher might decide to avoid placing the lesson online because of unexpected situations, such as, for example, when a pupil whose parents haven’t authorized image taking accidentally appears in the recording.
Won’t the possibility of catching up on the lesson at home demotivate my child from paying attention in class?
Lessons in class are interactive, children are motivated to ask questions, to participate and to ineract.
May I see lessons from other teachers in other classes?
Yes, if you have the necessary qualifications.
Where will I find the digital books?
All textbooks give, within their copyright, the possibility of downloading the digital version, including PDF versions.
Will I have to bring my books to school?
That will not be necessary from 4th grade on. Your schoolbag will accordingly be lighter and you will bring only notebooks and specific subject material.
Presence at school
If I cannot come to school, will I be signalled as absent.
Unless there are recognized and serious reasons provided by the competent authorities, if the pupil is not physically present in class he or she will be marked as absent and will need a justification upon returning to school.
Will I be able to assist in “real time” at lessons from home?
The School Principal, having been duly informed, will authorize this function in case of justified cause.