Convinced that parents are the first and principal educators of their children, the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josemaría Escrivá encouraged the founding in our country, in Europe and in the world, of schools where the educational alliance between school and family was strong.
Faes schools in Italy are examples of this joint educational effort. These are entirely secular initiatives in which teachers, families and students have full autonomy and take personal responsibility for the choices of legal, economic, educational and cultural matters.
Together with the decisive role of the family, the quality of teaching, the love for responsible freedom, the openness to all social contexts and the value of relationships cultivated with continuity and cordiality, are all indispensable references for the educational climate of our schools and are the legacy of the teachings of St. Josemaría.
The chaplain of each school is a priest of Opus Dei. Participation in any initiative of a religious nature organized or proposed by the school is always totally free.