How to arrange your children’s summer: the best camps and summer centers

School is out and to the question that many parents ask themselves, “How to organize their children’s summer?”, CEFA responds by proposing the best camps and summer centers to bring new stimulating experiences to life in Rome, Italy and Scotland. 

The best summer camps and centers must have a balance between outdoor and indoor activities, especially at certain times of the day and on the hottest days; they must provide not only entertainment for children but also social, cognitive and emotional development by organizing stimulating, fun and age-appropriate activities for the participants; be organized in welcoming and safe places, they must include a variety of activities involving young people.  

In order to answer the big question “How to organize the summer of the children?”, CEFA has therefore selected a series of Summer Camps and Summer Centers organized in Rome, but also in Umbria, Abruzzo and Scotland based on the age of the participants. 


  • Summer camps in Rome 

SPORT CITY CAMP -SSD Free Sport Life  

Age: children from 3 to 6 years old. 


Period of time: from July 3rd and July 28th 


Location: Petranova International Institute (Piazza Bologna area) 


ENGLISH DAY CAMP – Alphabet International Camps


Age: Children From 6 to 13 years old 

Period of time: from June 12th to July 7th 

Location: Iunior International Institute (Piazza Bologna area) 



  • Summer Camps in Italy 



Age: Children from 6 to 11 years old 

Period of time: From June 11th to July 29th 

Location: Umbria 




  • Summer Camps in UK 


ALPHABET ENCOUNTER SCOTLAND – Alphabet International Camps 


Age: From 11 to 15 years old 

Period of time: From July 12th to July 26th 

Location: Scotland 




Have you found an answer to “How to organize your children’s summer? yet? Let’s hope so! If, on the other hand, you want to discover the proposals organized by the Trigoria Campus Primavera or by La Mongolfiera di Monte Mario, contact the secretariats!