Guest of the year: Dr. Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese meets the parents of the CEFA Schools

“Talk to dad”, “Ask mum”.

How many times the partner or the other parent is asked to give permission, a choice or simply an opinion on more or less difficult or even uncomfortable issues?

Therefore, the need arises spontaneously to understand how to build that Winning Alliance which is part of the educational challenge.

CEFA Schools have the honor of being able to welcome as guest of the year Dr. Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese, child neuropsychiatrist and Psychotherapist, former parent of the FAES Schools of Milan, as well as author of numerous papers of particular interest on relational dynamics in couples and in the family.

Parents will have the opportunity to dialogue with Dr. Migliarese on the complementarity of the roles of mum and dad in the education of their children, using the questions proposed by the families themselves to better realize the collaboration between school and family but, first of all in the family context.

The event is scheduled for Friday 5 May at 18.15 in the ICEF Room, Via delle Belle Arti 10. The Baby Sitting service will be available for those who wish, specifying the number and age of the children: to use it, send an email by on 3rd May 2023 to


Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese Physician, child neuropsychiatrist and psychotherapist. She lives in Milan where he works in a territorial child neuropsychiatry service and carries out private practice as a psychotherapist for adults and couples. For many years she has been involved in the training of parents and teachers through conferences and articles on issues related to the family. Married since 1973, she has six children. She is the author for the Ares editions of: La famiglia imperfetta (2010), La coppia imperfetta(2012), Cara dottoressa. Risposte alle famiglie imperfette (2013), Erotica & materna. Viaggio nell’universo femminile(2015), Maschi. Forza, eros tenerezza (2017) e Risposami! (2020). È coautrice dei libri Il sostegno alla genitorialità (Franco Angeli 2011), La preadolescenza (Franco Angeli 2013), Essere leader al femminile (SDA Bocconi 2017).