Every year the Cefa Schools embrace a solidarity project, to make students aware of realities that need support.
This year Chiara Frazzoli, Researcher at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and CEFA parent, presented a project that will involve Junior and Petranova International students, making them protagonists and “Ambassadors of good practices”, in line with the objectives for the sustainable development of the UN Agenda 2030.
“On 28 and 29 November I had the honor of presenting the project on Multidimensional Poverty in schools in Cameroon and Chad of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità at CEFA Petranova and Iunior International schools. Although I cannot say that I was surprised (the human and didactic level of these schools was already known to me), I was nonetheless moved by the widespread promptness of the response, from teachers and pupils, and by the powerful and collective desire to move and articulating teaching in the context of a greater and more profound human experience.
Through the story of the project activities in the three major themes of the future (One Health, Global Health, Holistic Health and prevention) in just two days we were able to see the beauty of a work to be done together.