Back to School: Ready to start with 40 years of experience

The beginning of the new school year in the CEFA Schools has an intense and decisive flavor: the return to “normality” at school, classrooms and gardens of the 5 locations is rich not only with the experience gained in an extraordinary two-year period for path of the pandemic but, above all, of the ordinary experience gained in the first 40 years of the Schools.

Over the course of these 4 decades, in fact, the intention to create schools that would work alongside families in the education of their children has been strengthened and grown; international schools but with an eye to know-how and the inestimable value of the made in Italy culture; Schools based on tradition but striving and attentive to innovation; inclusive and non-exclusive schools, whose secret is to dream of training the people who will cross the roads of the world thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired during the years of growth.

This way in which #FacciamoScuola was summarized during the Closing Celebration of the 40th year with the special videomapping show The art of Educare, projected on the facade of the Junior International to celebrate how we have been growing alongside families for 40 years.

Only by starting from where we left off can we continue to grow and dream.