Drama, public speaking, shorts: the thousand faces of expressive abilities

The choice at Cefa Schools to become bilingual was made in order to give students all the possible knowledge and instruments to compare situations and face life to its full extent; schools on pace with times, able to place, alongside the vast cultural Italian heritage, the instruments for a life lived as leaders.
At the same time subjects aiming to the improvement of expressive abilities such as drama, public speaking and the creation of short videoclips have been included in the school timetables aiming not only to the improvement of comunicative abilities both in ordinary and extraordinary situations, but also to the improvement of the empathic and identification abilities, so as to understand and relate about our world in all its variety and artistic expressions.
Miur defined drama as the ideal didactic instrument, the synthesis and perfect interaction between scholastic and extra-scholastic activities, between curricula and extra-curricula, between classroom and labs, and in Cefa schools it finds its space both in regular school hours and in after school activities thanks to Drama Labs, public speaking exercises, projects that use the scenic instruments as transversal pedagogical tools, able lo leave a significant mark in a person’s complete cognitive and emotional growth!

Supported by the great experience of Pietro Cavaglià and Susie Calvi ( in ing il titolo Prof viene dato solo ai docenti universitari) with VivaTeatro, in dedicated areas of the schools, the pupils try out their expressive abilities through didactic activities, in Christmas Shows, during school visits and trips, in drama and reading competitions and take active part in the cultural activities during meetings with actors, movie directors video- makers and theatre professionals who tell them how to apply the tools they are learning about in ordinary life if they wish to achieve success.

This year the first rendez-vous, aimed to giving 8th grade pupils of Iunior International new perspectives and inviting them to present a short video at the end of their course of study, was held by two ex- alumni of the school, Federico Marangi, set designer and film director and Annalisa Consolo, a passionate film and drama-writer, who together led a lesson on “Creating suspence”, and showed a video created at Iunior international.
From the desk directly to the director’s chair!