Tutte le voci di CEFA

Multiple Voices from CEFA
Multiple Voices from CEFA is the memo- video of the year 2020-2021, WITH THE multiple voices of the schools’ main characters: pupils, teachers and parents all telling their point of view on the year of growth that is coming to an end in order to to come up with a coral narration of our schools.
What, of the school, are you taking with you on vacation?
What will you tell your summer acquaintances about your school?
Time slides away and our children grow: what is your favorite memory tied to their growth and to the school during this past school year?
The final video will be presented on the school’s site and social media at the end of the year.
And if you are too curious to wait for the final video some of the testimonials will be posted on the Schools’Instagram
Instagram delle Scuole . Seguici!
You want to share your opinion but you weren’t here on the days we were shooting? We’re ready to listen to all voices: share on Instagram your favorite memories of the year using
the hashtag #tuttelevocidiCEFA and remember to tag the schools’ profile.
Would you suggest to others to choose our schools?
Racconta la tua scuola, – tell us all about the past year and how CEFA has accompanied us all in our mutual growth


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