Certifications: confirmation of quality standards

CEFA Schools, according to an ICMQ Cersa annual surveillance audit, were found to comply with quality certifications yet again, confirming the high level of guarantee for parents, as well as the well-being for pupils from kindergarten through to secondary school.

The UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification guarantees the application of a quality management system compliant with the standard for the programming and provision of education and training services aimed at:

At Kindergarten. Provision of early childhood assistance services

At Primary School

At secondary school

The UNI 11034: 2003 Childhood Services certification is the global standard for childcare services aimed at the protection and safety of minors, in places where they spend most of their time.

These certifications guarantee:

• A structure of reliability and a good level of guarantee for parents;

• The correct use of spaces to ensure the well-being and safety of children;

Competent and qualified personnel;

• Programming and innovation of services for children;

• An Educational Project in which the methods, values, and activities that are intended to take place throughout the year are explained in detail.

The certification allows families to choose the school in which to enroll their children on the basis of objective parameters and to transmit to them the commitment made by management, teachers, ATA staff and all the staff of the schools to achieve the objectives of quality in the pursuit of student and parent satisfaction.

Furthermore, it is a tool that helps CEFA Schools to have shared and unified reference standards to rationalize and simplify activities and to enhance the way in which #wedoschool throughout all school cycles:

from Pre-school, Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School (all Bilingual Charter Schools) which are found all over the city of Rome.