Are we Watching our favorite TV series?
But are there hidden messages within these stories visible on so many digital platforms?
Thanks to technological development and to the various streaming services available on mobile phones, computers and television channels, the offer has greatly multiplied with ample catalogues that vary according to the geographical area and to consumer interests. It is not uncommon for the platforms to suggest, based on programs viewed by the costumer, new programs oriented by their preferences.
In order to provide parents with a valid and useful tool for the acquaintance with contemporary programs, Scuole Cefa have become partners of ORIENTA SERIE, a television review site created to help families choose what to see with their children.
The site welcomes reviews from experts and critics, and signals and promotes contents suitable for family vision and offers furthermore all the necessary information to evaluate the most popular products and to make a first and credible judgement.
The project is promoted by Aiart, medial citizen association, that directs towards a conscious use of Media, , Master in International Screenwriting and Production of the Univerity of Sacro Cuore in Milan, and by Corecom ( Comitato Regionale per le Comunicazioni) in the Lombardy Region, which is an independent regional organ of warranty, that brings forth governmental control and warranty functions on the subject of communication.