Divise Iunior e Petranova

There are three possible ways of placing your order for the uniforms: 

  • on Lateral School’s e-commerce after completing the registration you will need the school’s pin code to access the site. (The code number has been notified on the newsletter or can be requested at the school secretary’s office. )
  • by writing an mail
  • by completing the form on  Lateral School’s website.

Lateral School Staff will be available  weekdays  from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and from  4.00 to 7.00 pm.  to help you in choosing the proper sizes and  to answer any question you might have at the number: 392 8477520.

 The School uniform is a distinguishing element of our school, intended to create a sense of belonging and a uniformity of style among our students. It is therefore necessary to have it since the very first days of school, and it can be purchased at   CEFA’s  official supplier: Lateral School. 

Students wear  a uniform so composed: 

Boys in Primary or Secondary school: blue trousers, blue vest or sweater, white shirt or polo shirt.

Girls in primary school: blue skirt or trousers, blue vest or sweater, white shirt or polo shirt

Girls in secondary school: blue skirt or trousers, blue vest or sweater white shirt or polo shirt.

Kindergarten: yellow, orange or green smocks ( according to age and class), blue track suit CEFA.

All sports activities, both in classes and after school activities require the Cefa Track suit and t-shirts. 


Divisa Scolastica

Divisa Primaria e Secondaria