The VIRTUAL OPEN DAY is starting

Are you ready to go? STAY HOME AND PLAY YOUR FUTURE!

This school year will enter in the history of education: the first quarter took place normally within the school walls, a good part of the second takes place exceptionally within the home walls.

 Iunior and Petranova International Institutes thanks to the technological platform, to the great work of remodeling activities by the hand of educators, teachers and directors and the solidity of the educational project they continued the school year by establishing a new formative “normality”.

For this while waiting for the emergency to return, we want to share some of the tools with you that works our Schools.

Starting at 10.15 a connection will be active with the virtual room from which we will tell you about our schools and, through the chat, it will be possible to ask questions to which we will answer live.

Connect to the event!