Save the date : FIRST VIRTUAL OPEN DAY Saturday May 9th


we want to show you

how we take care of our pupils’ education 

and how we bring forth our educational project, 

using  the same tools with which 

#wearemakingschool  at a distance.

Save the date : on  Saturday May 9th we will show  you  our schools in a way you may have never seen before!!

From the 5th of March we have never stopped making  school, we have only changed the tools  as we found necessary.

We have faced the great challenge of Covid-19, adapting our “making school” with all the available technological instruments,  by organizing live lessons, activities and tutorials for our pupils, pedagogical and psychological insights for parents, tutorial meetings  and conference calls for our families.

Our educational project stays the same, while adapting to time and to the needs of life

Make yourself comfortable and discover it all on Saturday 9th May on CEFA Schools’ Site.