A school without borders

We dream of training people who will travel the paths of the world thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired during their years of growth.

This is why we believe in an international and bilingual school capable of educating everyone to build relationships without frontiers.

On the occasion of the Closing Celebration we concluded and celebrated together the 40th year of the CEFA Schools: we wish to share the video with some moments of the evening and the videomapping show “The Art of Educating” to remind us of the way we’ve been doing school since 1981.

‘The art of Educating

School news

How to arrange your children’s summer: the best camps and summer centers

School is out and to the question that many parents ask themselves, “How to organize their children’s summer?”, CEFA responds by proposing the best camps and[...]

Why is it important to educate children in virtues?

Educating children in the virtues: an important task for dads and moms  Prof. Danilo Gentilozzi for CEFA4Family  When you become a parent, one of the first[...]

Phonetic Competition: bringing diversity to school with Samuele Brusca

In the Phonetic Competition, the secondary students of the Iunior International Institute were invited to recognize the different English-speaking accents interpreted in the speech given by[...]

In the Phonetic Competition, the secondary students of the Iunior International Institute were invited to recognize the different English-speaking accents interpreted in the speech given by[...]

CEFA in Paris with OIDEL and UNESCO for the future of education

Reflecting on the future of Education, the CEFA Schools Management flew to Paris to take part in the conference organized by the OIDEL on “Re-imagining the[...]

Reflecting on the future of Education, the CEFA Schools Management flew to Paris to take part in the conference organized by the OIDEL on “Re-imagining the[...]
All news


  • EDNA ESPOSITO (ex alumna)

    “In CEFA I grew up as a person, before being a student: my command of English made me find a step forward in high school while the tutoring helped me to know and discover myself”.


    “Here the children are not numbers but people who are valued individually. Each family has a constant reference within the school, for the conscious growth of each student”.


    “In our schools, confrontation with families is central, where everyone brings their own experiences. We try to create moments of collaboration that are also opportunities for growth and teaching for all “.

Discover our world

School without frontiers
