#Do you remember when…? Help us in creating the album of the best memories of CEFA Schools

How many times the stories of the school turned to be memory lines to remember old times? That particular experience, that school trip, that lesson, that joke; that word said to a friend or heard from a teacher, all memories that profoundly affected your life. On the occasion of 40th anniversary of CEFA schools we started to rebuild the Alumni photo album to set up stories, people and activities of the first 4 decades in the community memory of the past students and offer them  a meeting space to share memories of their past growth years.

Dust off the school photo album and share the pictures most close to your heart or the story you would love to remember with your friends on Instagram hashtag #do you remember when? : tag them and the school profile @CEFA Schools to remember those moments spent on the school desks.

Read more about Alumni Network