Grazie al lavoro di Teacher Nancy siamo lieti di comunicare che due alunne del Petranova International Institute hanno partecipato e raggiungo ottimi risultati allo Short Story Contest,
un concorso di scrittura creativa in lingua inglese per bambini di tutto il mondo organizzato da Kids world fun.
Federica Farina della classe IV^B Primaria ha vinto il primo premio nella categoria sub-junior con il testo “A hungry bird” che racconta la storia di Cip un uccellino affamato.
Ilaria Micella della I Secondaria ha invece ricevuto una menzione per “The hunger Strike” la storia di 3 piccoli amici chiamati Jasper, Cindy e Shelly.
Tali riconoscimenti confermano il valore del nostro progetto di bilinguismo che sin dalla Scuola dell’Infanzia prevede la presenza di docenti madrelingua e l’adozione dell’inglese come lingua veicolare e non solo come materia di studio.
Inoltre, l’elaborazione di testi scritti in lingua straniera amplia il vocabolario linguistico, affina la capacità di pensiero e migliora il metodo di organizzazione dei contenuti.
So, congratulations girls!
A Hungry Bird di Federica Farina, prima classificata
Once upon a time there was a little sparrow named Cip. It was a birdie and lived in the nest together with its mom, dad and 5 brothers. Its feathers were small and soft, those of the chest were red, those of the wings were brown, those of the body gray. Cip and his family lived on the bell tower of a large church and his mother taught him to chirp following the rhythm of the bells.
Near the bell tower there was a building where an old lady who loved birds lived and every day, she put breadcrumbs on the windowsill for Cip and his family. One day the poor old lady fell seriously ill and died. Cip and its family, who relied on her for food, were left with nothing to eat.
Cip’s dad decided to… read more
The Hunger Strike di Ilaria Micella, menzione
Hi, this is the story of three little friends, called Jasper, Cindy and Shelly.
They were two polar bears and one little penguin. Cindy was¬¬ the oldest one and Jasper was the youngest.
They lived in the National Park of New York.
But their life in the park was really boring: they used to wake up at the same time every day, they had dinner and lunch at the same time every day, there were always some children waving hello to them every day… and they could only go around a very small area in the park!
So one day, when the three friends woke up, Cindy said:-
- Good morning everybody how are you today?
- read more